
Write Time Marketing offers a variety of author marketing services to meet your needs - the descriptions below can help you determine which one is right for you. Still not sure which marketing service best suits your needs? No problem! Simply fill out the contact form below and we can help you determine where to begin.

Social Media Analysis
Marketing Consulting

Website Analysis

If you already have a website or blog, having a digital marketing expert review, analyze and provide detailed recommendations can be invaluable. We can provide simple and useful tips on how to maximize the SEO (search engine optimization) value of your site to increase visitors and awareness and provide recommendations on how to maximize your content on social media.

Social Media Analysis

Having a professional social media presence means you're well on your way to building your online audience! However having an experienced digital marketer thoroughly review each of your social media platforms and provide simple and useful recommendations you can immediately put into practice may be just the boost you need to further expand your reach and extend your online fan base.

Marketing Consulting

If you don't have as much of a marketing strategy as you would like, marketing consulting is the best place to start. Write Time Marketing will help you develop a customized and comprehensive author marketing strategy including creating/ enhancing your social media presence, website implementation, and much more! If you aren't tech-savvy, we can even help you with any technical implementations so you can focus on your true passion - your writing.