Radish Celebrates One Year Anniversary – 2/14/17

On Valentine’s Day 2017, Radish, a serial fiction app startup, celebrates its one year anniversary. The concept is as intriguing as it is simple. Authors are able to publish their works in serialized installments over time. Readers can download the app and read for free on their smartphones and have the option of purchasing additional installments for a small fee if they just can’t wait for the next release – giving authors a chance to make some money as well as get exposure.

The app is modeled off of similar setups that have done well in Asian markets and with one year “on the books” in the US, Radish seems like it could be a great opportunity for newer writers to get their works out in front of readers. Writing for Radish is currently by invitation, but Radish does offer a platform for writers to have their works reviewed by the company, which could lead to an invitation. Happy Valentine’s Day all and as always – happy writing!


Digital Book World Conference Begins – 1/18/17

The eighth annual Digital Book World conference began yesterday in New York City with both registrants and virtual onlookers eager for positive news in the book publishing world. In what Macmillan CEO John Sargent described as both good news and bad news for the publishing industry, self-publishing is on the rise, with certain genres leading the charge. According to an article by Publishing Perspectives, an analyst presenting at the conference estimated that 32 percent of young adult science fiction / fantasy titles were self-published, while only 17 percent of suspense / thriller titles were self-published.

What does this mean for aspiring writers? On one hand, you have more opportunities than ever before – an exhilarating prospect! On the other hand, determining how to effectively market your book without the help of a publishing company can be overwhelming. For more information on how Write Time Marketing can help you market your self-published book, please complete our contact form, and as always – happy writing!